The fight that the aspiring officers will need to persevere through (School Administration)
Two party groups that will need to get the hearts and minds of MelQuinians; S.A.K.A.L.A.M Party list and was advised by Teacher I, Sir Nard Oclarit. The other group is L.E.G.A.C.Y and was advised by Teacher I, Ma'am Fatima Paloyo and Teacher III, Ma'am Joanne Ramos.
The two party gave their all in presenting their future plans for the school. They roamed the school grounds and entered each classroom to present their outstanding and exciting ideas for the school.
Each and Every idea the two parties had was highly innovative, gives a sense of being a Makabayan, and can educate the MelQuinians about the gender and the "colours of the rainbow".
The L.E.G.A.C.Y Party list presented an idea that can help properly dispose of the plastic bottles and plastic wastes that are circulating in the school grounds.
The other party; S.A.K.A.L.A.M presented a platform that can and will educate the young minds of MelQuinians to be respective and be more understanding when seeing a proud member of the rainbow flag. The platform is also designed to stop the growing homophobia of some students towards the other members of the rainbow flag.