Cosplay Convention sparks the imagination of our young learners (ENGLISH Club)
The Cosplay Convention showed the creativity and the burning passion of imitating the students' most favourite character of theirs in the world of animation and online characters.
The students might know that their favourite character might not ever exist in the real world so the ENGLISH Club organized a Cosplay Convention to help them with one of the students' bucket list; to see their favourite character alive and in the real world.
The ENGLISH Club president said "As an anime fan, I know that seeing and interacting with my favourite character in anime might be impossible in the real world, there is still something that just fulfills my being when I see my favourite character meddling in our real world. I know that most anime fans can relate so we had a meeting talking about what we could in the English Month. We concluded that we're gonna organize a small Cosplay Convention to help the students see and interact with their favourite characters."
The Cosplay Convention sparked the burning desires of students to be the person imitating their favourite character and can share their interest in the character they picked.
The Cosplay Convention was a huge success thanks to the School Administration for cancelling all of the classes for the day of the convention to give the students the time that they need to dress up, do their make-ups, and to not feel any pressure that they make get when they think that they still have classes after the convention. All of their thoughts must be connected with the terms; enjoyment, excitement,and fun.